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Access control systems installation

Access control and management system is an important security link for enterprises or companies. ACS provides protection of the territory or building from unauthorized entry.
The access control and management system (ACS) is a complex of organizational and methodological measures and software and hardware designed to restrict access to the facility (or its individual sections) of unauthorized persons, as well as control the movement of company employees, the duration of their stay at the facility etc. Installation at ACS facilities allows several times to increase the level of security of both the facility itself and the people who are on it.
Modern access control and management systems effectively solve the tasks of ensuring security at any level, carry out a warning about the penetration of unauthorized persons into the controlled territory, and also contribute to improving labor discipline by taking into account the working hours of company employees.
The main tasks of access control and management systems:
automation of the process of accounting for working hours of company employees;
automatic check of the presence of employees at the workplace;
instant blocking of all inputs and outputs when an alarm is triggered;
control of all movements of visitors at the facility, etc.
Bosch Security Systems has in its arsenal access control systems for enterprises of any scale:
for large objects and solving complex problems – complex Building Integration System (BIS) systems, combining many building management tasks on one platform;
for small and medium-sized objects with high security requirements – easy-to-use scalable Access Professional Edition software.
In addition, Bosch Security Systems offers AMC controllers combining functionality and attractive design, as well as a wide range of readers, cards and accessories, the assortment of which allows you to find a solution for a wide variety of tasks and applications.