

Fiber optic network design and installation

When building structured cabling systems, twisted pair and fiber optic cables are used. If the length of the channel does not exceed 100 meters, cables based on twisted pairs are the most needed. With channel lengths of more than 100 meters, the only possible choice for high-speed information applications is the choice of fiber optic lines, as twisted pair lines don’t provide the required data transfer speed. Special knowledge, skills and equipment are required to work with fiber.

Fiber optic network (FON) is a system based on fiber optic cable, designed to transmit information in the optical (light) range.

Compared to all cable systems, fiber-optic network (if correctly conducted) are characterized by very high reliability, excellent communication quality, wide bandwidth, significantly greater length without amplification, and almost 100% immunity to electromagnetic interference. The system is based on fiber optics technology – light is used as an information carrier, the type of information transmitted (analog or digital) does not matter. The work mainly uses infrared light, fiberglass is the transmission medium.

Fiber optic network design

When confronted with the task of designing a network or data transmission line, first of all, it is worth considering a number of the following parameters and features, especially, depending on the choice of a particular solution, different cost values are obtained, both of the whole project and its fiber optic component:

1. Determination of the optimal method of laying cable routes;

2. Configuration of active equipment (determination of the radiation wavelength, which will allow to complete the tasks, and, accordingly, the type of cable used);

3. Brand of the manufacturer of fiber optic components.

It is also worth considering some features of the use and installation of fiber optic lines:

– sensitivity to mechanical impact;

– preciseness (accuracy) of combining connectors with all segments of a data line.

With qualified design and calculation of the above mentioned parameters, it turns out that even an organization with a limited budget for information support of its activities can afford to connect several users at a distance of 100-2000 meters with an optical line.
The engineers of our company will make the necessary calculations and select the configuration of the active equipment, taking into account all the requirements for a particular data line or network. The engineer’s visit to the Customer at the facility to determine all the features and possible wishes is free of charge.